Monday, May 2, 2016

Spinning Top

I think its possible that we've been looking at the world upside-down. One day I was on reddit n found out that theres a guy who designed a 'Southern' oriented map, where Australia is at the top-middle. It got me really thinking about it. I feel it would make sense that we've been looking at it wrong. My main evidence is how tops spin. When you spin a beyblade, while its still spinning, the bottom is most stationary and the top kind of swivels. It's the opposite for Earth. The north pole is mostly stationary and the south pole kind of swivels. I looked up the differences between the two and and it eventually shows how the Magnetic South pole location changes often and the Magnetic North pole stays relatively stationary {as opposed to the Geographic poles, which are physical and located on ice that kinda moves.<

My point is that maybe what we think of as the solar system is skewed. What if the Sun, instead of being smack dab in the middle, is actually at one side or the other. Follow me. If we're looking at the Earth as "North facing Upwards" which is the traditional thinking then that would suggest to me that the Sun is at the Bottom of the milky way, and the planets' revolution are in a cone shape that gets wider the farther out.

If we're looking from the Sun's point then the Sun would be out Front! The milky way's being pulled behind it. The Southern hemisphere would be facing the Sun more directly than the North  The pull can be described as the Sun falling DOWN into 'more space' like an ocean of dark matter. The Sun has a rope tied around its waist and around the equator of Earth. For this argument, the majority of the Southern hemisphere would always hit the ocean first.

Alright, I think I lost myself now, lol. Im just saying, what if the sun is traveling through space and the South Pole is on the hemisphere that is facing forward like this :    \ 0  The slash represents the north n south poles and the zero is the sun, right? Now when both of these move, the zero is pulling the slash to the right {Towards the word 'The'< and the revolution of the slash around the zero will not go in front and behind the zero but instead will go above the word sun and below the word both.

TL;DR A lot of the 'Revolution of Earth' maps I just looked up have the north pole facing the top of the screen and the Sun in the middle. All Im proposing is that MAYBE : The Sun is falling downward {compared to the picture.<

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