Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Mexicans/Illegals arent the Problem : Classism is

I saw this video a while back about this woman who lived in the US, somewhere up North I believe, and Donald Trump was paying to build on either public property or something meaningful to the city. It was a city park or something similar to the way Arnold Shortman and his friends & grandmother saved the oldest tree in the city. Anyway, this woman stopped Trump from building there. The catch was that the rest of the video was about how she was still going to vote for Trump and she was moreso convinced after what had happened. One of her main points {and the reason for this post< was that 'He's going to make it so that I dont have to press 1 to have an English speaker'.

I dont believe that people actually care about pressing one. Well, she might, but as far as the politics I dont think its about making everyone speak English just because this is an English-speaking country. Nor do I believe that its really even about Mexicans 'stealing' jobs or coming over illegally. All that's bullsh. The real problem is that jobs are not as available as they used to be. There WAS a time where you could reasonably expect to work hard, find a job you could tolerate, and work for 30 yrs and be set. Thats not the case any more and Politics wont be able to fix that by allowing common people to be blamed for it. 

For a sidenote, I dont believe that the Opportunities are gone! You can make a decent living in this country by putting in enough effort and knowing the right people. But its much more likely that if youre rich, it was passed down to you, or you're being overpaid for being apart of the Entertainment industry. 

Im seeing a trend here. I've seen a couple times now that the country is supposedly 'divided now more than ever' and on social media, maybe thats true. But whats also true is that the gap between the poor and the rich is becoming wider. And you'll have no problem finding reports that shows all the negative effects of 'losing your status'. Anytime U.S citizens feel they are negatively gaining they get defensive. {I worded it that way, because its not always a loss, sometimes you just get something you didnt want.< Mix that with the old saying 'dont play with people's money' and I start to see this picture emerging where everyone's who FEELS broke or is losing significant money starts nit-picking and finding little things to argue about and people who are at least gaining or are rich/wealthy are focused on profit or giving back {which is good in theory but can also cause problems<. 

TL;DR : Broke People are bickering and Rich people arent helpin things!

So now Ima talk about what I think can be done.

We gotta take the money away from these old rich families. It's that simple. In action it may not be easy, but only because it takes deliberate thought. Basically we have to make it cool to shop local again. For EVERYTHING. Thats what WE THE PEOPLE need to be doing. I think of it as every dollar we spend is a vote toward a company. Also anyone that has a decent idea and can turn it into a business plan, GO FOR IT. If we can expand the number of companies in the market and we can keep the manufacturing {or w/e type of work< in the US, it would benefit everyone, from illegals up to the rich ; allowing jobs to be shipped across borders is 'more' beneficial to the rich, though.

As far as the Legislation-side. ~They gotta stop letting work be sent to other countries. Think about how 'skeptical' it is to see an item marked 'Made in USA'. Thats my point. I dont think Ive ever seen 100% made in the USA, unless maybe its an item with only one part. 
~The wall is a terrible idea. Sure, it keeps illegals out, but it doesnt keep the US jobs in. The jobs will still go to Mexico and whereever else, and ultimately Mexicans would benefit moreso than the common citizen.
~Socialism is also a terrible idea. Moreso, giving the government more tasks to manage isnt good. Theyre already overburdened. Not that spreading the wealth isnt a good idea, but having the gov't enforce it is a bad idea.
~Reparations arent gonna happen. They just arent. Not for any group of people. And the reason is that the gov't doesnt have the money. They never did. Private companies {or farmers or whoever< are the ones who oppressed the people and theyre the ones who gained above and beyond the dollar amount of the labor {such as brands that were built, or other businesses created with that money<

***If were all making minimum wage, and then a bunch of new people show up, it feels as if were losing something.
**If we're all making a decent living, and then a bunch of new people start out making minimum wage, we feel as if things are the way they should be.
*Raising minimum wage will not solve anything, it actually creates layer or inflation.

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